Dear Kiwanis Leaders and Members,
As per the decision of the Kiwanis Nepal District Board meeting held on October 7th 2021 subject to the bylaws, policies & procedures of Kiwanis Nepal District, Governor Yeka Raj Panta calls for the District

Program: 4thrd Convention of Kiwanis Nepal District
Date: August 26th & 27th, 2022.
Venue: Grande Hotel Pokhara Nepal
Hosted by: Kiwanis Club of Manakamana Nepal
- Election of the District Governor, Governor-elect, and Vice Governor.
- Approved the reports presented by the District Secretary and District Treasurer.
- Any other agenda and resolutions per Article VI Section 18.d and Section 18. e of Kiwanis Nepal bylaws.
For the purpose of the District Convention
- Each Club in good standing shall elect and send 3 (three) delegates.
- All members of the Kiwanis Nepal District Board and all the Past Governors who are members of clubs in good standing of Nepal District are Delegates-at-large.
- All Clubs are encouraged to send maximum participation to the convention on August 26th & 27th 2022.
For Registration find the attached file. If you have any questions you can write directly to the Governor or Secretary.