किशाेर पंगेनिकाे संयाेजक्ता मा किवानिज क्लब अफ रूपन्देहीले श्री दुर्गा वैदिक संस्कृत विद्यालय काे विद्यार्थीहरू लाइ शैक्षिक सामाग्ी वितरणकाे कार्याक्रम... Continue reading
Under co0-ordination of ki. arnju parajuli kiwanis club of rupandehi lumbini organized Warm clothes and Stationary distribution program @ shree... Continue reading
Under co-ordination of ki. niranjan dhital, kiwanis club of rupandehi lumbini distributed warm clothes and stationary to the students fo... Continue reading