MARCH 22, 2024,Dharan ( Nepal) Kiwanis Club Of Dharan witnessed its 1st installation Programme as on of March 22, 2024 at Sunsari Chambers of Commerce Hall,Dharan-1.Mr.Tirtha Kumar Singh,District Governor graced the occassion as Chief Guest. We were honoured to have Mr.Sujan Kumar Shrestha, Chairperson, ASPAC along with Major.Bharat Kanojiya, Embassy of India, The Deputy Hospital Director from BPKIHS, President of Sunsari Chambers of Commerce, SP from the district along with other police personnels, IPDG of Lions Club 325( c) and other dignitaries from the society along with our media personalities. The programme was honoured with club presidents and members from other clubs of Division 1, probably congregarted in such a large volume for the 1st time in the history of Division 1. On this very auspicious occassion Kiwanis club of Dharan launched its signature project ” 1 NEEDY CHILD,1 DAY..1 GLASS OF MILK”- a project whose vision and concept was launched by the Club Secretary, Mr.Nischal Mohan Palikhey which was appreciated by the mass.On this very day KCD handed over 100US$ to Uday Basic school,Dharan-20 – a school adopted by KCD for 2 years. The installation ended up with a fellowship programme which was followed with musical programme.17 charter members and 4 general members were sworn in by The District Governor.